Friday, December 28, 2007

5, 6, 7, 8... NaNaNa NaNaNaNa NaNaNa

This holiday had been a pretty fruitful one. I was in 5 video productions (including the current one I am working on) and 1 theatre production.

We did this video for sec1 orientation because we couldnt barbeque and at the same time perform and so we go for prerecorded performance. Idea was plagiarised from 5 filmmaking tips for dummies. The first 2 days of shooting went quite well other than the fact where we had missing shots and all. We even had like spoof music video of 'You are the music in me'. Gosh, it was so funny!

The rebels of the school.
Syafiq sleeping with soft toys? Oh, how manly! Quote from Rukku, 'Only real man sleep with soft toys'
Photos for continuity. Actually I dont think we even need it cause continuity in the video is damn bad!

Lights?(other than the fact we dont have lights) Okay. Sound? Okay. Camera? Rolling. And ACTION!

Cast photo. More coming up on monday. Should have done a cast+crew photo.

Not exactly a crew photo but still a crew photo. More on monday. Prolly do some screen capts to give a sneak of what its like.

its making every single moment last and last and last;

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Enjoy your teenhood

Made with Adobe Premiere Elements. What's the diff between premiere and premiere elements? Elements' interface is nicer!(: This video was shot in the States. I uploaded it just to entertain you before enjoy your teenhood is uploaded. Just a little background, I actually accidently shot some of them in widescreen version. Big big blunder. Oh wells.

Enjoy Your teenhood

Made with Sony Vegas.

For ben teh. Yes you, the one who fears forgetting the dv tape and pressing the record button (and not forgetting indigestion too)! I hope I didnt spoil it for you by telling you what it's about.

Twentyfour was fun. But uber stressful. So while we were at ECP. We made the cast play frisbee while we try and figure out the story. So we got like 20 minutes worth of frisbee playing when we only needed like 20 seconds?

Stayed over at sara's house. And mr weng went home! He asked sara to put us to bed.

Xinyi: How are you gonna know if we are asleep?
Mr weng: I'll drive pass sara's house [in the middle of the night] to see if the lights are still on.
(next day)
Xinyi: So did you drive pass?
Mr weng: Wanted to. But I couldnt get up.

LOL. We told him that the guys and girls slept together but he didnt seemed bothered. Oh yeah, we got chased out of siglap macs too. So we ended up at some kopitiam which doesnt have anything at all probably cause its sooo late in the night.

Hmm, just wondering which of the following is better. To have bad memories or to reminisce about good past and know that you can never have them back again. I suppose its the same perspective as looking a glass half filled. It could either be half full or half empty.

The view through a one way mirror. You can be blinded by sweet memories too.